I wanted to participate in the challenge over at Opus Gluei this week, "The Silver
Screen", but didn't have much time with working on the travel scrapbook and all. After seeing what Jana did, I decided to go the "digital" route myself... so here is my entry, thanks to Google Images, picture2life.com and Adobe Photoshop Elements:
This took about 20 minutes to do, hope it looks like it took hours! :>)
I LOVE this. This is perfect. Our goal is to get folks doing what they can. No guilt. No stress. I agree with You and Rosemary, Natalie was a beautiful woman.
Love Natalie Wood. I, in fact, just finished Robert Wagner's autobiogragphy. It was so good, that I sent him a letter. I hope he responds. I have a small gathering of autographs, so his would be a nice addition:) Robin
Rosemary | April 09, 2009 4:26 PM
That's just the kind of thing we love to see! No limits and it looks beautiful! I loved Natalie Wood, wasn't she a lovely child and adult?
Jana | April 09, 2009 6:30 PM
I LOVE this. This is perfect. Our goal is to get folks doing what they can. No guilt. No stress. I agree with You and Rosemary, Natalie was a beautiful woman.
Nancy McCarroll | April 10, 2009 7:24 AM
Nice work; it inspires me to try one myself!
Robin Carr | April 28, 2009 8:12 PM
Love Natalie Wood. I, in fact, just finished Robert Wagner's autobiogragphy. It was so good, that I sent him a letter. I hope he responds. I have a small gathering of autographs, so his would be a nice addition:)