Finished an idea I had...a Little Cupcake Purse! This is the prototype. Started another one this morning, only slightly bigger and a bit more "bling". I think its so cute and for anyone who still has the "little girl" in her. The one that's a bit bigger can hold a cell phone, coin purse, lipstick, etc... I used a recyled plastic fruit cup for the bottom, so it can stand on is own and is sturdy (nothing can slip out thru the crochet). Of course, had to add two wooden bead red "cherries" on top! Everyone loves a cupcake now and then!!!!!!!! :>)

Jana | April 05, 2009 7:42 PM
These look YUMMY. Great job.
Did you make the pattern up?
Rosemary | April 08, 2009 1:48 PM
This is so cute! I love it! Do you sell them? I'm thinking of how much my niece would love this!