For this week's challenge, I thought I'd share a few pages of one of my first altered books. I love going to the beach on vacation, as I am basically "land locked" - living in the Mid-West (unless you count lakes and rivers as having a beach). Some of my best vacations were spent by the sea. You can't imagine my joy when a discarded book titled "Here By the Sea" came my way....it spoke to me.

This book was only made for my own enjoyment... If I am violating any copyright laws on photos I used, turn me in to the Internet Police... This book gives me great joy everytime I look through it - and the poem I found as far as I know, was authored by "Anon". I hope some of the pages speak to you, as they do me! :>) I even used a few shells from my beach combing stash to add to the fringe on the binding.

I am waiting for the middle of June, as I shall see the sea again, tasting the salt and sand - (Pardon my alliteration - its the writer in me, I guess!)
Chat Noir | May 24, 2009 8:41 AM
Love what you've done here. The shells are so appropriate. I love the sea too and some of my best memories are reborn through my shell collection. Books and the beach are a great combo.
Rosemary | May 24, 2009 11:20 AM
This is just beautiful, love the idea of making an altered book. Have never really done it, but I love your results. I'll be a character witness if they haul you off to the Internet Police.
"Your Honor, yes, she is a character! and we love her for it"
Jana | May 27, 2009 1:03 PM
This book if FABULOUS. I love the beach and shells and sand and this book!!! You rocked this challenge. I am SO GLAD you are ridin' the wave with us over at Opus Gluei. P.S. We poobahs have some pull with the internet police. We won't let them take you. We'd all have to go...