I had surgery on Thursday to remove the "Growth" on my left wrist.(AND, I'm left-handed!) Yes, after 15 years of annoying pain and unsightliness, I elected to have my pesky ganglion cyst removed.
I don't mean to sound like a whiney-hiney, but this keeping my arm elevated with a heavy cast and not being able to lift or move anything is getting old...quick! The arm itself is not THAT painful, but more of a pain in the "you know what" to follow Doctor's orders!
I will be off work and out of the crafting scene until Thanksgiving. So unlike me, not having 3 projects going at once, but its necessary for the healing. Happy Healing to me and Happy Halloween to YOU! :>)
1 day ago
Nancy McCarroll | November 09, 2011 6:41 AM
What a bummer!! You'll have to catch up on your reading. Get well quick!