Back again!
Posted by Kathy at 7/25/2009 Labels: Vacation2 2009
Hot off the Press...
Posted by Kathy at 7/15/2009 Labels: Mayday Mayday Murder
"Mayday, Mayday....Murder" was just published last night! This was a custom written game that I revised for the general public a few weeks ago. For those of you who are not familiar with the writing process, it takes several weeks from completion to the actual publishing of the work. Here is the premise of the game:
What started out as a routine flight to the Galapagos Islands ended in disaster when, as the result of unforeseen weather, the aircraft was forced to crash-land on an uncharted island. Due to the skill of the pilot, Captain Skyler King, everyone survived unharmed…at least, that was the original situation.
Not long after the survival tents were pitched, the Captain was found dead in his tent. Was it from natural causes or will the next radio message be, “Mayday, Mayday…Murder”?
Here is the link so you can read all about the interesting characters and who knows, you might even want to play it, sometime!
Yeah Twistin', Twistin'...Twisting the Day Away...!
Posted by Kathy at 7/06/2009
I'll try to keep you posted on all the happenings at the Transylvanian as it goes, but at the meantime, so far, so good.
(photo courtesty of
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